"A genius is merely a man who sees nature, and has the boldness to follow it." ~Frank Lloyd Wright~
"Ogni mia fibra. E'posseduta dall'amor. My every fiber is possessed by love." ~Faust~
I don't know what to say. I didn't hate the book, but it wasn't a fave. I think cause I'm such a fan of Frank Lloyd Wright that I wanted more of his designs, life story, etc., where this was more of a telling of his affair in a sweeping dramatic fashion. It was a little bland at times, but not horrible. Just a mediocre read IMO. But the ending, holy sh*t! I would tell people to read it just to get to the end. I mean, speechless. I had several friends say, "Wait till you get to the end". I was like, yeah, OK. I guessed what was coming when it got closer, but it was worse than what I imagined. I have to admit I had no idea this happened and I think that's why the ending has hit me so hard. To be a fan of Frank Lloyd Wright and not know this fact is unsettling. And the fact that it is a fact makes it that more disturbing and it doesn't resonate with the rest of the "blandness" of the novel.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, please do not look it up if you intend on reading this book. Let the ending shock you as I'm sure it did to 90% of those that read it. I must read FLW's autobiography and sometime soon. I'm still in shock over this. Lol. Crazy. I don't think it's worth reading actually. I mean the end does make it, but the in between just wasn't worth the wait. But again wasn't horrible, just not a OMSJ (Oh My Sexxy Jason) must read. Stay Booked! Happy Reading!