I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously these books are so frippen amazing. It's been a long time since I've read anything that literally has me gasping, and cursing and talking out loud; "Oh come on!", "Are you f**king kidding me?!", "No f**king way that just happened!", and so on. LoL. These GN's are beautifully illustrated and amazingly well written. I sit there all tense from the suspense of the story. What I love and ironically dislike at the same time is that NO ONE is safe. Not even the "main" characters. You start to love a character, boom dead! Or some tragedy befalls them. It's insane. But it's realistic (as realistic as a zombie tale can be lol). But seriously, every movie, TV show, book has the hero and band of "good" people that ALL survive the odds, but that's so not realistic. We've lived this life long enough to know one constant, life ain't fair. The good don't always win, nor do they always survive. In a world based on death and destruction and at any second it can only get worse, this series

does it honest and true to life. Even a non-zombie life. So please do yourself a favour and read this series. Forgot about that it's about zombies, or a world that is "impossible" to be, that's just the icing on the zombie cake. Read them because they are enthralling, well written, realistic and pure macabre fun. Read them b/c you love to read and appreciate a thrilling story that keeps you on edge EVERY SINGLE BOOK, EVERY SINGLE PAGE. Every one ending with a cliffhanger that makes you hungry for more. I devour every book like a zombie noshing on a fat kid. :)
TWD.13: Too Far Gone - Our group that we've come to know and love has started to decrease in numbers, but we've also gained some new, very likable characters, for spoilers sake I won't say who is no longer with the living, but not with the living dead either. At any rate in book 12 our group was found and brought to a community that has been built and survived for years. Our jaded group doesn't know whether to trust it and its "citizens" or not. It's too good to be true. So

we end up not knowing to trust the community or not. But the crazy part is, we start to not trust our beloved group either. Are they starting to become the "evil" people that they've encountered on the road? We just don't know. This leads into TWD.14: No Way Out, which by far has been the OMSJing book of them all! It is really hard for me to not give anything away, but trust me when I say it was a tense, suspenseful read that only furthered my love for this series. Course it also made me cuss b/c I didn't have book 15 yet. LoL. But needless to say I went out and got as soon as I could. Which leads to TWD.15: We Find Ourselves. This book begins fantastic b/c and keeps a steady pace throughout. It isn't as tense and suspenseful as the others, but it was equally as good. It also gave a hint of what the next drama was going to be in the future books and ended with a coupling of 2 "main" characters that I knew were gonna end up together eventually. I cannot wait for TWD.16! Highest rating XXX. READ THIS SERIES!! WTYZM!! (Word to your zombie moms) ;)