Friday, November 24, 2017

Frosty the snowman, was a stabby murdery soul...

The Snowman
Jo Nesbø 

           I honestly have no idea how I feel about this novel. I both enjoyed and disliked it equally. I don’t know if it’s b/c of mediocre translation from Norwegian to English that is causing the duality disconnect, or what.  It’s cliche, cheesy, predictable, purposely (and quite obviously) misleading, weak to mediocre dialogue, and weak, and at times, confusing, character development.  I knew, or rather, suspected, who the killer was after their first introduction.  I said to myself, "Self, it’s this character.  It better not be, because seriously, how cliche and cheesy and predictable would that be?  But I bet it is".
          Having said that, it was, I don’t want to say compelling, ensnaring maybe? enough to keep me reading.  Indeed I spent late nights telling myself, "just one more page".  "One more chapter". 
I don’t know if it was b/c the story had me hooked, or that I just wanted it to be over, or b/c it was the last book on my 2017 boal.  Perhaps all of the above. 
          I picked this book up b/c of the movie coming out.  (I’ll wait for DVD)  This is the 7th book in the “Harry Hole” series.  I ain’t gonna lie, I giggled every single time I read the name, Harry Hole. I’m giggling right now. Detective, or is it Inspector?  Now I can’t remember. Let’s go with Inspector Harry Hole, **giggle**, is after a serial killer. He’s the only cop in Oslo that’s dealt with a serial killer.  They don't get many in Oslo.  Probably b/c it’s too friggen cold.  Ain’t nobody got time for.  The killer leaves a snowman at each victims house.  That’s not me being funny.  That’s the plot.  I was honestly hoping it was evil demon possessed snowmen doing the dirty deed, but sadly it was not.
         OK, I am simplifying it.  The killer seems to be targeting women with children.  Women who have been unfaithful in their marriages.  The aforementioned poor attempt to mislead the reader into believing it is this character, no this character, NO, this character!  Was a bit painful.  But somehow it still made me doubt myself and wonder if it really COULD be that character.  What annoyed me wasn't just the intentional misleading, but that the inspector was convinced each time it was the character we are being led to believe is the evil-doer.  Then after some revelation or incident, Inspector Hole suddenly says he had some reservations/doubts about whether the person he was just gunning for, was really the killer.  
         I know it seems I've nothing but negative things to say about the book, but honestly it wasn't horrible.  It was just, meh.  Entertaining enough to keep me interested and reading.  And there were some key scenes that could've been really 80's thriller movie cliche, but did a good job of avoiding.
         I can neither recommend nor not recommend this novel.  If you happen upon it, read it. If you don’t, it’s snow big deal.  Oh yeah, that just happened.  I regret nothing.

Happy Reading! Stay Booked!

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